The scientific evidence linking cholesterol and fat to major degenerative diseases, with a diet and exercise program to lower weight and overcome cardiovascular disease. Published by Japan Publications.
The Breakthrough Approach to Preventing Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, and Depression by Controlling Insulin
A program for nutrition, exercise, and meditation, by the former president of Methodist Hospital and cancer survivor. Published throughout Europe and Asia. A bestseller in hardback; available in quality paperback from Houghton Mifflin.
Sixty-five chapters of health advice based exclusively on peer review journals and leading medical and scientific experts. Chapters include aerobics, angina, arthritis, back pain, bladder problems, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, energy, gall bladder disease, heart disease, immunity, menopause, nutrition, osteoporosis, overweight, Parkinson’s disease, sleep, sex, stroke, taste, and smell, ulcers, and wrinkles.
More than 120 disorders and symptoms described from orthodox and traditional medicine, with remedies from such traditional systems as Chinese medicine, homeopathy, herbology, nutrition, and physiotherapy. Published by Putnam-Perigee Books.
Every organ, system, and sense examined individually from the standpoints of Western medicine (anatomy and physiology), Chinese medicine, , naturopathy, Greek, and homeopathy. Major illnesses also discussed from the point of view of each medical system. Illustrated. Published by Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.