One of the great insights of quantum physics is that all reality is composed of opposites, but, as researchers tell us, the more we emphasize one side of reality, the less the other side is revealed to us. [1]
That lesson is being played out to tragic proportions in the debate around mandatory vaccinations. What those who argue for mandates don’t realize is that the more they deny the other side’s perspective and concerns, the more we eliminate any possibility of arriving at the truth.
What follows are three scientifically-based facts that can change the way we discuss vaccines and mandates, and perhaps help us achieve a more just and humane vaccine policy.
The first of those clarifying lessons is that vaccines were not responsible for the dramatic decline in mortality from infectious diseases in the 20th century. According to the CDC and the Bureau of Vital Statistics, deaths from infectious diseases — including measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, cholera, and polio — had fallen to all time lows well before vaccines were introduced. [2]
The CDC’s own data shows that the number of U.S. deaths from measles had dropped 98 percent by 1960, three years before the measles vaccine was introduced.

According to the CDC, “This decrease in illness is credited to the implementation of drinking water disinfection and treatment, improving the quality of source water, and improvements in sanitation and hygiene.” [3]
Perhaps the most vociferous argument for mandates today is the belief in herd immunity, or the assertion that everyone has to be vaccinated in order for those who are vaccinated to be protected. Leaving aside the obvious illogic of the statement, this belief too has been debunked by science.
Writing in the Archives of Internal Medicine (August 22, 1994), researchers G.A. Poland and R.M. Jacobson, both of the Mayo Clinic, stated that, “The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.” [4]
Numerous studies have since shown that fully vaccinated populations not only contract the illnesses for which they were vaccinated, but also pass on the same diseases to others — vaccinated or not. [5]
The April 11, 2014 edition of the journal, Science, reported that researchers had confirmed that a “fully vaccinated patient” had started a measles outbreak. “The startling case study contradicts received wisdom about the vaccine and suggests that a recent swell of measles outbreaks in developed nations could mean more illnesses even among the vaccinated.” [6]
Herd immunity cannot be achieved through vaccination. As the Science article stated, “Measles vaccination rates top 90% in high-density cities like New York, but new data suggest even the immunized can catch and spread the disease.”
Mumps and whopping cough routinely break out among fully vaccinated populations. [7]
Finally, many assert that vaccines have been proven safe. In fact, the Department of Health and Human Services recently admitted that there hasn’t been a single doubleblind placebo safety study done on vaccines in the last 30 years. Nor have any safety studies examined the combined synergistic effects of vaccines on children or adults. [8]
Since 1962, the vaccine schedule has ballooned from 3 doses to its current level of 72 doses. [9]
On the first day of life, U.S. infants are injected with the hepatitis B vaccine, which contains 17 times more aluminum than the safety limits established by the Food and Drug Administration. [10]
U.S. children suffer from multiple and unprecedented epidemics that, not coincidentally, have arisen since the dramatic increase in the number of vaccines administered. [15]
One-in-10 U.S. children have asthma; 1-in-10 have attention deficit, hyperactive disorder (ADHD); 1-in-13 have food allergies; 1-in-6 have a developmental disorder. 2. There has been a 23 percent increase in juvenile diabetes; cancer in U.S. children has risen more than 29 percent in the last 20 years. Autism rates among U.S. children have risen 150 percent since 2000. Today, 1 in 36 have autism. [11]
More U.S. children die on the first day of life than in any other wealthy nation on earth. Our overall infant mortality is highest in the industrialized world. [12]
The U.S. government acknowledges that vaccines cause neurological injuries and even death. As of June 1, 2019, Congress has paid out a total $4.1 billion as compensation to vaccine injured children and their families. [13]
Yet, according to Harvard Pilgrim Insurance company, only 1 percent of vaccine injuries are reported to the Congress. [14]
Article less than 750 words.
[1] Taking the Quantum Leap, by Fred Alan Wolf.
[2]. CDC on clean water and disease rates. Grove RD, Hetzel AM. Vital Statistics Rates in the United States 1940-1960 U.S. Public Health Service National Center for Health Statistics 1968.
[3] Chart from Physicians for Informed Consent
2nd chart, below. Source: CDC

[4] Arch Intern Med. 1994 Aug 22;154(16):1815-20. Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons.
[5] The Journal of Epidemiology and Infection (Cambridge University Press, July 19, 2016) reported a measles outbreak in Ireland among children who were “appropriately vaccinated.” Rosen JE, Rota JS, Hickman CJ et al. Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011. Clin Infect Dis Feb. 27, 2014.
Figure 1
Catching measles in an appropriately vaccinated group: a well-circumscribed outbreak in the South East of Ireland, September-November 2013
[6] SCIENCE, April 11, 2014
[7] Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine. 1994 Feb;148(2):153-7. Outbreak of pertussis in a fully immunized adolescent and adult population.
[8] “Robert Kennedy Wins Case Against Government for Vaccine Safety Violations,”
[9] CDC vaccine schedule.
Vaccine ingredients.
Glyphosate (Pesticide Roundup) in vaccines.
[10] Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. Volume 48, July 2018, Pages 67-73
[12] “Our Infant morality rate is a national embarrassment.”
[15] J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2010;73(24):1665-77. doi: 10.1080/15287394.2010.519317. Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002. Gallagher CM1, Goodman MS.
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