Knowing your dream means knowing yourself.  This is an unfolding process that will take a lifetime.  The shortcut to your dream is to listen to your heart and follow its impulses in a grounded, practical, and healthy way. 


Here are seven steps to knowing your heart, and following its guidance. 


  1. Develop a daily spiritual practice that connects you to the Presence of unconditional love. Create an altar in your home.  Pray and meditate daily so that you can get past your mind and into that field of being that welcomes you with joy.    
  1. Eat whole, unprocessed grains. Grain is both the seed and the fruit, the alpha and omega.  It grounds you, puts you in touch with your power, and helps you to integrate the many aspects of your being. 
  1. Avoid dairy products. Milk is the product of the cow’s consciousness, an animal that follows and obeys.   Milk is the food of childhood.  Wean yourself, become an adult, and know who you are. 
  1. Get fit. Exercise every day.  It gives you courage and will power.  It improves your circulation and the clarity of your mind.  When opportunity presents itself to the fit human being, he or she sees it clearly – and leaps! 
  1. Respect your rhythms. Work hard when your energy is surging, rest when you are tired.  Listen to the waves of your inner life.  They are the subtle communications of your soul. 
  1. Read, study, and become an expert in a specific field of knowledge. Knowledge and expertise lead to power. Power and love lead to wisdom.  Wisdom leads others in the way. 
  1. Have faith. Faith is the remembering that winter always turns to spring.  Your path, with all its challenges and joys, is perfectly designed to bring forth the fully developed you.