
Damaged tissue and mucus membranes after being exposed to excessive heat, toxic chemicals, radiation (including the sun).


What is a Burn?

From Modern Western Medicine

Burns are classified as first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree. A first-degree burn involves the outer layer of skin, the epidermis, causing the skin to become red, tender, swollen, and sometimes feverish. The skin may blister, depending on the treatment. The more severe second-degree burn causes deeper layers of the skin to be damaged, including the dermis, with all the same symptoms as a first-degree burn, though worse. Third-degree burns affect the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue and, in severe cases, the underlying muscle. Some second-degree and all third-degree burns require special treatment to prevent scarring.

Who Gets Burned?

Each year 2 million Americans are burned or scalded sufficiently to require medical treatment, with about 70,000 hospitalized. Burns are most common on children and the elderly. Most are due to preventable accidents.


Foods to Eat

  • Wheat or other cereal grasses


Foods to Avoid

  • Animal protein (directly related to infections)


Herbs to Treat Burns

  • Aloe: Apply the gelatinous inner contents of the leaves to sunburn and other minor burns
  • Aloe gel and propolis: this combines the soothing and anti-inflammatory effect of aloe with antibiotic effects of propolis
  • Comfrey poultice: Steep comfrey leaves or boil root and apply to burn as a continuous compress



  • Arnica: used internally for shock.
  • Causticum: take internally for severe cases where there is pain, restlessness, and blister formation. Removes pain in 7 – 10 minutes.
  • Urtica urens (external remedy): ½ tsp. of tincture in 1 cup clean water; pat on with sterile gauze or apply compress with urtica urens lotion
  • Calendula lotion
  • Hypericum lotion



Immerse the area in cold water immediately until there is no pain. This will prevent blister formation with first-degree burns and minimize tissue damage in more severe burns. If you must go to the hospital, keep area soaking or else wrap in wet sheets and apply water at frequent intervals.

Chinese Medicine

  • Wheat or other cereal grasses applied externally
  • Buckwheat flour mixed with vinegar: make a poultice
  • Carrot juice applied directly
  • Cucumber and cucumber juices applied directly are especially good for sunburn
  • Squash juice applied directly




  • Vitamin E oil: apply after soaking in water
  • Vitamin C spray: spray on 1 – 3% solution every two to four hours, between vitamin E applications



  • Vitamin E: 400 IU per day
  • Vitamin C: 80 mg daily
  • Vitamin A: 400 IU a day for two to four weeks
  • Vitamin B complex: 50 mg per day
  • Zinc: 15 mg per day