
Allergy symptoms commonly resemble a cold: runny nose, sore throat, mucus discharge, skin eruptions, fatigue, depression, irritated eyes, insomnia, headache, and digestive disorders, such as constipation and heartburn.


What is an Allergy?

From Modern Western Medicine

A collection of disease symptoms, often affecting the skin, respiratory system, stomach, and intestines in people who are sensitive to a substance that does not affect the majority of people. Such substances, called allergens, are attacked by immune cells, causing an immune reaction that itself gives rise to the symptoms of an allergy. Most physicians state that the best remedy for an allergy is to avoid the offending allergen. Drug treatments, such as immunotherapy, antihistamines, and corticosteroid drugs, are frequently used.

From Traditional Medicine

Allergic reactions often stem from the inability of the liver to neutralize certain substances that build up within the body and eventually trigger an immune reaction. A substance that the immune system recognizes as foreign to the body is referred to as an antigen. As these antigens accumulate within the body—in places such as the lymph, intestinal tract, liver, and spleen—the immune system is continually working to rid the system of foreign substances. Thus, the person may suffer increasingly from allergic symptoms. In addition, some holistic healers believe that there is a psychological component to allergies, including feelings of isolation, separation, arrogance, and generally toxic thinking.


Who Gets Allergies?

People of all ages and both sexes get allergies.


General Recommendations

  • See Part IV for foods that strengthen the liver, spleen, and intestinal tract.
  • Avoid offending allergens as much as possible.
  • Follow a rotation diet that helps you identify substances in foods that maybe causing the allergic reaction or contributing to it.
  • Fast on vegetable juices during periods when allergies are in an acute phase.
  • Soak grains, beans, and seeds. It may make them more digestible and less likely to contribute to allergies.
  • Eat regular amounts of green foods, spirulina, and chlorella to strengthen the immune system and cleanse the liver and spleen.
  • Avoid food and drinks that stress the adrenal glands.


Foods to Eat

Rotation diet: Increase the variety of foods eaten and don’t eat a specific food more than once every four days in order to identify food allergens. Choose additive-free whole foods from the following list:

  • Limit whole grains to brown rice, millet, and amaranth (all low in gluten)
  • A wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruit
  • Low-fat vegetable and animal proteins
  • Seaweed and microalgae, such as spirulina and chlorella
  • Vegetable juices
  • Seeds and nuts


Foods to Avoid

  • Gluten-containing grains, such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats
  • Caffeine, sugar, and alcohol
  • Foods containing pesticides, chemicals, or additives
  • Dairy products
  • Processes or denatured foods


Herbs to Treat an Allergy

  • Nettles: ½ teaspoon (tsp.) tincture or 1 – 2 capsules (preferably freeze-dried) every 2 – 4 hours, for its antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Echinacea: ½ -1 tsp. tincture, three to four times daily, to stimulate the immune system



  • Apis mellifica: for swelling of the tongue or tissues of the throat, such as a bee sting
  • Allium cepa: for relief of runny nose and burning, watery eyes
  • Combination formulas include the above single remedies in addition to euphrasia and Histaminum


Chinese Medicine

  • Ephedra (ma huang): 1 cup of tea, ½ tsp. of tincture, or 1 capsule, two to three times daily (Important: Do not use with heart disease, diabetes, glaucoma, or overactive thyroid gland.)
  • Siberian ginseng (eleuthero): ½ tsp. tincture, two to three times daily to support the adrenal glands
  • Citrus seed extract for allergies including hay fever
  • Onions inhibit allergic reaction
  • Astragalus: ½ tsp. of tincture or 2 capsules, three times a day to strengthen immune function



  • Biotin: 200 micrograms (mcg), three times a day for candida infestation
  • Comb honey (locally produced, if possible): Chew ½ tsp., once daily
  • Kelp: 2 – 4 tablets, three times a day
  • Raw adrenal tablets: 1-2 tablets, three times a day
  • Beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A): 16 mg daily
  • Vitamin C: 100 mg per day
  • Vitamin E: 200-400 IU per day
  • Zinc (an immune booster): 15 mg per day
  • Selenium (20 mcg daily) works with any chemical allergies, especially when taken with kelp



Daily exercise cleanses the system of antigens through sweat glands and skin.


  • Loofah brush the skin in the shower to eliminate waste and toxins through the skin
  • Sauna
  • Ginger compress on liver to eliminate accumulated toxins



  • Meditate daily, especially on positive thoughts and images
  • Self-reflect on how much self-criticism and self-recrimination you indulge in daily
  • Sing a happy song daily. Singing helps strengthen the spleen, a central organ in the fight against allergens.