More than 120 disorders and symptoms described from orthodox and traditional medicine, with remedies from such traditional systems as Chinese medicine, homeopathy, herbology, nutrition, and physiotherapy. Published by Putnam-Perigee Books.
Sixty-five chapters of health advice based exclusively on peer review journals and leading medical and scientific experts. Chapters include aerobics, angina, arthritis, back pain, bladder problems, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, energy, gall bladder disease, heart disease, immunity, menopause, nutrition, osteoporosis, overweight, Parkinson’s disease, sleep, sex, stroke, taste, and smell, ulcers, and wrinkles.
Every organ, system, and sense examined individually from the standpoints of Western medicine (anatomy and physiology), Chinese medicine, , naturopathy, Greek, and homeopathy. Major illnesses also discussed from the point of view of each medical system. Illustrated. Published by Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.
An examination of the effects of radiation on the body, and the scientific evidence linking various foods, herbs, and vitamins to an improvement on the body’s immune system. Published by East West Health Books.
A program for nutrition, exercise, and meditation, by the former president of Methodist Hospital and cancer survivor. Published throughout Europe and Asia. A bestseller in hardback; available in quality paperback from Houghton Mifflin.
A program using diet, exercise, and lifestyle to change brain chemistry naturally and overcome depression. Published by HarperCollins, San Francisco
Published by HarperCollins, San Francisco.
The most advanced program for treating inflammation and the illnesses it gives rise to, including heart disease, overweight, and diabetes. Published by Putnam Books.
A self-help diet and lifestyle designed to help people lose weight, boost energy, reduce and eliminate cravings, and restore health. Published by Alpha MacMillan Books.
A program designed to cause maximum weight loss without hunger, based on the new and emerging knowledge of the calorie density of foods. Published by Time-Life.
A complete guide to women’s health, using the McDougall Program to prevent and treat all major illnesses affecting women. Published by Penguin-Dutton.
A program to identify and overcome the natural human preference for fat and calorie-rich foods. Published by Penguin-Dutton.
The best ways to boost immune function and fight disease by Boston University Medical School immunologist, Elinor Levy, and Tom Monte. Published by Houghton Mifflin.
A complete guide to heart therapies and a program to overcome heart disease using diet and exercise. Published by New American Library.
A diet and exercise program for optimal weight. Published by Penguin USA.
The scientific evidence linking cholesterol and fat to major degenerative diseases, with a diet and exercise program to lower weight and overcome cardiovascular disease. Published by Japan Publications.
A comprehensive guide to acupressure and an introduction to Chinese medicine. Published by Putnam-Perigee.
A book on the ancient art of Jin Shin Jyutsu.
A book on therapeutic touch, by a nurse-practitioner and written by Tom Monte. Published by Harmony Books.
The funny, touching, and true story of the man who enabled Woodstock to take place.
A gentle, healing approach to discovering and enhancing one’s own inner and outer beauty, using the Dr. Hauschka philosophy. Published by Random House.
A Wall Street venture capitalist shows readers how to recognize opportunity in synchronistic moments; how values form the basis for success in business and in life; how failure is an essential step on the road to success; and how to create the career of your dreams. Published by Prentice Hall.
The personal story of a therapist’s struggle to retain custody of her children and her comprehensive guidance to women involved in custody suits. Published by St. Martin’s Press.
The personal story of a therapist’s struggle to retain custody of her children and her comprehensive guidance to women involved in custody suits. Published by St. Martin’s Press.
The methods and rationale behind traditional Oriental diagnosis and medicine. Published by Viking-Penguin.
The Breakthrough Approach to Preventing Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, and Depression by Controlling Insulin