
Flaking and scaling of scalp, often accompanied by itching. Occasionally, a rash or broken skin will also appear.


What is Dandruff?

From Modern Western Medicine

Dandruff is the flaking and shedding of dead skin from the scalp. Dandruff may be accompanied by an itchy, scaly rash, seborrheic dermatitis, which can occur on the face, chest, and back as well. The primary treatment is the use of an anti-dandruff shampoo. Physicians may prescribe a corticosteroid cream or lotion, or an anti-fungal cream, if shampoo fails. Whatever the treatment, dandruff usually requires constant control.


From Traditional Medicine

Dandruff is the body’s way of eliminating excess proteins and fats that are accumulating in the system and cannot be assimilated. These proteins and fats prevent healthful circulation of oils and water in the scalp. Dandruff is also a symptom of liver and kidney imbalances, organs that detoxify the body and eliminate waste from the blood. Highly acidic food, such as spices and tomatoes, also play a roll. Treatment includes a sharp reduction in animal foods and the promotion of liver and kidney health, along with a more alkalizing diet.



General Recommendation

  • Reduce or eliminate animal proteins until condition subsides.
  • Increase exercise to promote better circulation and elimination of fats and oils.


Foods to Eat

  • A diet composed primarily of whole grains, fresh vegetables, beans, and fruits
  • Most vegetables should be cooked, though raw vegetables can be eaten regularly, but in smaller amounts than cooked
  • Low-fat animal protein, such as white fish
  • Fruits: berries, apples, pears; avoid citrus until dandruff clears
  • Raw vegetable juices
  • Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds
  • Salads
  • Tofu
  • Seaweed
  • Microalgae, such as spirulina and chlorella 


Foods to Avoid

  • Foods rich in saturated fat, especially red meat, eggs, and dairy products
  • Citrus
  • Excess salt
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol


Herbs to Treat Dandruff

  • .Wahoo: dose is ½ tsp. (5 – 10 drops) two to three times daily (contraindicated if there is a cold condition, fluid deficiency, emaciation, and weak digestion).
  • Ginger Sesame Oil: Rub on scalp and leave in overnight. Shower it out in the morning. Repeat two or three times per week. (To make this, use a mixture of equal amounts of sesame oil and fresh ginger juice. To extract the ginger juice, grate the ginger and express the juice by squeezing through a cheese cloth.)
  • Citrus seed extract: Use externally. (It is available as liquid extract, spray ointment, and a variety of other forms.)



  • Scalp massage: To 4 oz. pure distilled water, add 20 drops of 85% grain alcohol and 2 – 6 drops of oil of pine. Massage into scalp and then follow this by massaging a small amount of white Vaseline into scalp.
  • Shampoo with pine tar shampoo or alternate with olive oil shampoo.
  • Crude oil scalp massage, two times per week: Massage unrefined, undiluted Pennsylvania grade crude oil (Crudoleum, Edgar Cayce product) into the scalp vigorously with the fingertips and then massage the entire scalp for 30 minutes with an electric vibrator.



  • Beta-carotene: 16 mg per day
  • Zinc: 15 mg per day
  • Calcium: 500 mg per day



  • Walking, jogging, bicycle riding, or any aerobic sport performed regularly